How To Use the Dialer

We use a tool called Scale to Win (“the dialer”) to call lots of voters in a short period of time. Because we make different types of calls to voters across the country, you will be given a specific dialer link at the beginning of each volunteer shift.

Step 1: Preview the Script

  • When you open the dialer link, you will see options to start calls or to preview the script.
  • Because scripts may change each shift, make sure you review the script each time.

Step 2: Review Each Part of the Script

  • Make sure you’re comfortable with the introduction.
  • When you click on “Talking to the right person,” you will be able to preview the full script. Scripts are dynamic, based on the answers you select.

Step 3: Understand Call Results and Orientation

  • When you connect to a caller, the bar at the top of the screen will turn green.
  • You will see their name and phone number on the right and in the green bar.

Canvass Results Key

  • Talking to Correct Person: They answered and are on your list! (Note:
    sometimes there are multiple supporters in the same household).
  • Answering Machine: You got their voicemail.
  • Refused or Hostile: Said they didn’t want to talk or were mean.
  • Busy/ Call Back: Mark only if someone explicitly asks to be called back.
  • Wrong Number: The phone number is owned by a new person.
  • Moved: They don’t live in the location or state where you have them listed.
  • Language Barrier: They speak a language that you don’t speak.
  • Hang Up: They hung up on you.
  • Deceased: The person you are looking for has passed.
  • Do Not Call: If the person specifically asks to be removed from the list.
  • Not In Service: You get a busy tone or disconnected number.

Step 4: Close the Script Preview

  • Close the script preview by selecting “Exit Script Preview” on the top right.

Step 5: Select Call Method

  • We recommend “Call with this device phone for audio.” This provides the best call experience and audio.
  • If you only have one device, select “Call with this device.”

Step 6: Enter Your Contact Information

  • Your phone number will not show up when you make calls!
  • We ask for contact information as a security measure.

Step 7: Call from Your Phone

If you selected “Call with this device phone for audio” you will need to call the phone number to connect your phone to the system.

Step 8: Start Making Calls!

  • The system will put you in a queue to take calls.
  • You’ll see this gray screen until you connect with a caller.
  • The wait time between calls varies.

Step 9: Connect!

  • As soon as you seen a green bar, jump into the script.
  • Follow along with the dynamic prompts as they appear.

Step 10: Record Results

  • Select the correct call results as you go through the script.
  • You can even send text messages through the platform.
  • You can hang up at any point by clicking “End call.”

Step 11: End Call and Finish Survey

  • Select “End survey” when you are finished recording results.
  • The “Back” button is your friend if you need to go back and edit any results.
  • The final screen will give a summary of your conversation. Select “Continue Calling” to get back into the call queue.
  • If you are using your phone for audio, do not hang up on your phone!

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