Phonebank Volunteer FAQ

Thank you for making calls with us! 


🔍 Where can I find the dialer link?

🔍 Where can I find the talking points?

🔍 Why am I getting so many hang ups?

🔍 Do I have to say that I’m with the Democrats?

🔍 Do I have to stick to the script?

🔍 What do I do if someone asks for a yard sign?

🔍 A person I’m calling wants to be called back for more information, can I give you their name and phone number?

🔍 I arrived late. What do I do?

🔍 Why am I nervous to start making calls?


🔍 How do I navigate the script?

🔍 How do I exit the script preview?

Go to the end of the script and select “Exit Script Preview” when you’re ready to start making calls or select the “Exit Script Preview” button to the right of the green bar at the top.

🔍 I hung up on my phone by accident. What do I do?


🔍 How do I silence Zoom audio?

Computer Users

  1. See the bottom left corner: Mute/Unmute
  2. Click on the Up ^ Arrow.
  3. Select  “Leave Computer Audio” (second option from the bottom).

Tablet/iPad/Smartphone Users:

  1. See the upper right corner: Touch the 3 dots labeled “…More.”
  2. Scroll down and select “Disconnect Audio”

🔍 How do I rejoin audio?

Computer Users:

  1. Click the HEADPHONES ICON (bottom left of zoom screen).
  2. Click “Join with Computer Audio” from the pop-up window.

Tablet/iPad/Smartphone Users:

  1. Top of screen: Touch the HEADPHONES ICON labeled “Join Audio.”

🔍 How do I raise my hand in Zoom?

  1. Go to the reactions (or more-reactions) at the bottom of the screen (hover over the bottom of the screen with your mouse if you don’t see it).
  2. Click on it and select the raise hand button.

🔍 How to access a Breakout Room for tech support:

  1. Bring your cursor to the bottom of the Zoom screen
  2. Click on the “Breakout Rooms” option. 

 You can move into the practice room or Tech help room at any time via the “Breakout Room” icon.


🔍 What do I tell someone who asks me the address of the event/time of the event?

🔍 What if they haven’t gotten their confirmation email yet?

🔍 Will they still get the email confirmation if they don’t get a call?

🔍 Is it ADA accessible?

🔍 Can they bring bags/medical items/food/etc?


🔍 Who are we calling?

🔍 The people I’m calling are already voting for Kamala. How can I call undecided voters?  


🔍 What if the person I am calling is already volunteering?

🔍 What if they want to do events with their local party/local candidates/etc?

🔍 Do we do postcard events?


In case you would like to view, print or share out the entire guide, you may download the PDF below: