Discord: Our Virtual Field Office

Get Started Guide


Discord, or “DemCord”, is our Virtual Field Office, where you can communicate with Team Harris Walz about ways to take action, hear about upcoming events and build community with other supporters. 

The platform Discord hosts a number of online communities for everything from music fans, gamers, podcast communities, and more. Our campaign specific server is called Team Harris Walz Virtual Office. 

This document will walk you through creating your Discord account and navigating our virtual field office! 

For a more detailed guide on using discord, check out this guide on Discord’s website!


To join our Discord, you will start by clicking on the button below:

Once you join, follow the prompts to set up your account:

1. Create Your Display Name:
it can be your real name! If you do not feel comfortable, you can create an alias.

2. Complete a Captcha Puzzle: Discord has great security, and requires you to complete two puzzles to verify that you are human!

3. Enter your birthday: All Discord users must be 13 years or older.

4. Finish your account: Fill in your email and pick a password! Be sure to save the password for later.

5. Verify your account: For email, it should automatically send an email to you when you sign up!

For phone number, follow the steps in the pictures!

  • Go to the My Account tab in User Settings. Press the Add button right next to where it says Phone Number.
  • Once pressed, enter your phone number. Then press Send!
  • You’ll then receive a text message to your phone with a six digit code. Input this code into the menu that pops up.


All of our volunteer teams have different places in Discord where they organize, called “channels”. To make sure you get access to the right channels you will need to answer our onboarding questions! Choose all that apply!

Server Welcome Page: These are some things you can do when you first get into the server! They include personalizing your profile, and reviewing the guide of every channel.


On the left side of your screen, you will have a list of “Channels”. Each channel has a theme, based on the types of action you can take or the purpose of the channel.

Review the Channel Guide to learn more about the purpose of each channel! Some key channels include:

#volunteer-welcome: Introduce yourself in this channel and welcome other new volunteers!

#tech-support: Submit a support ticket if you are having issues with Discord

#online-engagement-welcome: Start here for all of our Digital Organizing activities!

#supporter-content: Find shareable graphics made by fellow volunteers!

#call-crew: Start here to join the calls team! #hosts: Start here to host your own events!

#digi-coor-start-here: Start here for our Digital Correspondence team!

Any channel notated with # is a chat channel! This means you can send and receive messages. Now that you are in Discord, send a message in #volunteer-welcome introducing yourself:

In case you would like to view, print or share out the guide, you may download the PDF below: